Tuesday 23 October 2012


Hi everyone!! it's been a very long time since I've posted something on my blog. Well, I've been very busy with my university (moving in and settling) and I just have no time to post something on my blog. I hope you all had an amazing summer holidays because I have!! ^_^

I have recently started university life as a student and will continue on for the next 3 years of my life. It was very hard to move away from my family and friends to such a huge and well know city, London, but I am finally slowly settling in with my new student life and environment. I have finally made new friends in university (in my course and my flat mates) and I am doing fine with socialising with them as some of my friends might know that I'm very shy around new faces. ^_^

Here's what I have been up to lately;


 Me and my friend

 me photograaphed by my friend in Selfridges

Inside Liberty (their christmas decorations)

Selfridges at night

That's all for now I'll update again next time xx ^_^